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Cloud Implementation: 5 Top Best Practices for Cloud Success

Read Time: 3 minutes

The World is moving towards automation swiftly, and cloud implementation gives your organization an edge. Moving workload from on-premises to cloud is convenient and cost-effective. But a company needs to focus on crafting a detailed blueprint. It does not matter if an organization wants to shift the entire portfolio or even one workload; a blueprint is a must. Otherwise, it can get chaotic and cost extensively. (For more information, see our Guide to Cloud Migration.)

Therefore, cloud implementation requires a strategic approach. It is advisable to have advanced technologies for cloud deployment, such as AWS, regardless of the step you are at for cloud implementation. Here are 5 top best practices that you can use for cloud success for your business.

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Cloud-First Commitment

Cloud implementation is a considerable change for the company and all of its key stakeholders. Hence, it is essential to have an exact reason for moving to the public cloud. Businesses switch to the cloud just to keep up with the industry and have no clarification about the same. With cloud-first, your complete data shifts to the cloud with nothing remaining on-premises. This leads to the best results with the integration of all the processes.

Cloud Business Office

A company goes through an extensive transformation with cloud implementation. Advanced and evolutionary processes change the whole dynamics of working. Amazingly, infrastructure requirements can be modified and created with the help of software. Therefore, many developers suggest a cloud business office for tackling the swift implications. Long approval cycles and rigid control impact software development negatively. A CBO would be a welcome change for faster business IT development.

Train and Educate Users

A perfectly designed blueprint for cloud implementation will fail if the users are not well-educated. An organization must take proactive actions to provide in-depth training. Cloud users will perform most day-to-day tasks, and they need to understand it to the core. Training will impart technical education and make them understand the advantages and importance of cloud implementation. It will also decrease the probability of cloud adoption barriers among the users.

Experienced Partner Service

Implementing cloud is a complex process. An organization must ensure proper planning and thorough execution. A single wrong step can cause a heavy loss both in terms of money and data. Therefore, as said earlier, it is advisable to take the help of professional service providers. They provide clarity on streamlining the process and decrease any obstruction in cloud implementation. A lot of businesses have found it to be useful for improving delivery as well.


Cloud implementation is time consuming and an intricate process. To speed things up, an organization should focus on automating as many functions as possible. It will not only reduce the labor but the operating costs as well. Experts advise automating provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure based on the cloud. This will minimize disruptions as resources and time will be better utilized. It will also prove to drive mission-critical innovation in the organization with ease.

The cloud implementation journey is difficult. But the right approach makes an organization steer through it effortlessly. It is imperative to follow best practices to reduce implementation risks and improve performance at an economical cost.

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